Analysis and Fate of Surfactants in the Aquatic Environment
Surfactants - properties, production and environmental aspects separation and detection GC and GC-MS determination of surfactants capillary electrophoresis in surfactant analysis LC determination using conventional detectors atmospheric pressure ionisation mas spectrometry sample handling sampling and sample treatment for surfactant analysis in water methods for the sample handling of nonionic surfactants in sludges and sediments sample handling for the determination of surfactants in biota quantification and quality assurance in surfactant analysis advantages and limitations in surfactant quantification by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry stability of surfactants in post-sampling storage interlaboratory studies for the determination of surfactants environmental processes aerobic biodegradation of surfactants anaerobic biodegradation of surfactants biodegradation of LAS in the marine environment surfactant sorption on natural sediments fate of organosilicone surfactants occurrence of surfactants in the environment concentrations of surfactants in wastewater treatment plants occurrence of surfactants in surface waters and freshwater sediments occurrence of surfactants in drinking water occurrence and fate of surfactants in soil, subsoil and groundwater toxicity toxicity of surfactants for aquatic life bioconcentration estrogenicity of surfactants risk assessment of surfactants.