Chain of Blame: How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis

Introduction: Financial Ashes. Cast of Characters. Chapter 1 Angelo Speaks, the Worldwide Contagion Begins. Chapter 2 The Repo Man Meets the Bald Granny: A Short History of Subprime. Chapter 3 The Death of the Bailey Building and Loan, the Rise of Millionaire Loan Brokers and Countrywide. Chapter 4 The Beach Boys of B&C: How Roland Arnall Became the Johnny Appleseed of Subprime. Chapter 5 Angelo Rising: The Son of a Bronx Butcher Makes Good. Chapter 6 The Holy Roller of REITs. Chapter 7 The End of the (New) Century. Chapter 8 A Conspiracy by Merrill? Chapter 9 A Warning from Lewie: CDOs, SIVs, and Other Things No One Understands. Chapter 10 Deep in the Belly of the Bear. Chapter 11 Armageddon Times: The Tan Man Departs, Bye-Bye Bear. Chapter 12 What the Hell Happened? Ten Bad Years for Housing in America. Chapter 13 TARP, the Great Recession, and the Return of Stan Kurland. Afterword TBTF: A Mortgage Cartel Rises from the Ashes. Source and Interview Notes. Glossary. Acknowledgments. About the Authors. Index.