SDF to Synchronous Cross Domain Analysis in ForSyDe Stream Processing Framework

Stream processing has been a very active field in parallel programming for its suitability to expressthe concurrent architecture in embedded systems. Caused by its concurrent reasoning features,stream programming frameworks are built on some abstract models of computation (MoCs) tohandle the complexity and unpredictability. To allow us focus on the essential issues of time,communication and synchronisation of the parallel tasks, the support from a sound heterogeneousMoCs framework to stream application system is still in need. ForSyDe is our high levelexecutable design framework to express multi-computational-models, based on stream processingconcept. It is a heterogeneous diagram to describe intricate application behaviors, and offers crossdomain analysis features to support multi-domains integration and optimization. A case study inForSyDe framework shows that the communication structure of a stream application in SDFdomain could be migrated to the synchronous domain without any extra work on its computationfunctions. To integrate it with our work on a communication based NoC simulator, we believesome more interesting design exploration work could be done on the analysis of communicationand computation efforts, besides power issues.