Automatic Testing Of PC-AT Computer's Susceptibility For Disturbing Conducted Through The Mains Supply
PC-AT computers working in industrial high disturbed environment are influenced by the mins voltage. This piper proposes a method to test computers at some particular alterations of the mains in industrial environment. IAe system in order to peerform the test consists of independent devices that are commanded by a supervisor computer. The generators of the disturbing signals provide disturbing according to EN61 000 and VDEOI 60 (singIe overvoltage, altered voItage of the mains, zero drops ofthe mains voltage). The supervisor computer commands aN the devices and reads the status of the Unit Urrder Test computer. Some experimental results are also presented. Key work: computer testing, susceptibility, eIectromagnetic compatibility
[1] Petre Ogrutan,et al. Testing PC power supply , 1996, Proceedings of 8th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference on Industrial Applications in Power Systems, Computer Science and Telecommunications (MELECON 96).