Quantification of ultrafine particles from second-hand tobacco smoke infiltration

This paper presents some of the results of a second-hand tobacco smoke intervention study carried out in 19 flats in four different buildings. Two of the investigated buildings were nonrenovated and two others were renovated. The aim of the study was to quantify infiltration of ultrafine particles from a smoker's flat into a non-smoker's flat. In addition, several tests were carried out to describe some solutions for reduction of particle concentrations in the smoker's flat and the non-smoker's flat. The air change rates and the indoor particle concentrations were measured continuously during the measuring periods. The particle sources (particle generating activities) were cigarette-burning in the un-occupied buildings and candle-burning in the occupied buildings. Reductions of the concentration of ultrafine particles using air cleaning devices were studied. Results showed that the transfer of ultrafine particles was about 9% when the source flat was located below the receiving flat, whereas the transfer was 1-2% when the source flat was on the same floor as, or above, the receiving flat.