Study of Business Process Reengineering implemented in Uttar Pradesh for the Transformation and Advancement of the Society

Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state of India which is the home of more than 20 crores people or one-sixth of the country’s total population. It is difficult to serve huge masses without the use of state of art technology and it is a herculean task for the government to maintain the huge databases of masses. The overall process of the Government was cumbersome due to the lack of technologies and ideas. But innovative uses of state of art technologies by the government are transforming the existing culture and resolving the associated issues. Now, government emphasizes to the sustained growth of the society through I.T. . To achieve this, Uttar Pradesh State Government focuses on various best practices and adopted process reengineering approach through various e-Governance initiatives in its modus operandi to make the system feasible for their citizens in which they may access the required services locally in affordable, efficient, transparent and time bound manner with minimum interaction to the government officials. We study and explore the various issues in the existing system and adopted Business Process Re-engineering in existing system of the Uttar Pradesh Government for the transformation and advancement of the society in the direction of digital empowerment. Keywords-Process Reengineering, Transformation,