[The continent urostomy. 12 years' experience with the continent ileocecal bladder].
The ileo-caecal continent urostomy was first described in 1975. It is a combination between an ileo-caecal reservoir and an ileal hydraulic valve. From 1973 to 1986 we performed 107 such operations (41 for vesicovaginal fistula, 40 for bladder tumor, 26 for bladder exstrophy, neurogenic bladder and miscellaneous). Continence was obtained in 100 patients (80 at the first operation and 20 after operation). The follow up was 3 to 146 months (average 37) in 82 patients 74 of whom had conserved good continence. In cases with failure of continence, repair was obtained by reinvagination of the same valve or by creating a new valve. Only 2 cases of metabolic disorders in the form of acute pyelonephritis are reported. The continent urostomy provides a better quality of life for patients requiring a urinary diversion. The psychosocial and economic impact is very important.