The Online LaModel User's and Training Manual: Development & Testing Christopher R. Newman In order to better inform and train industry professionals, as well as engineering students and new users, an electronic user's manual and comprehensive online training course for LaModel has been developed in an open online learning environment. The online user’s manual provides widespread access to detailed information on the installation, proper use, and troubleshooting procedures through a combination of: written documentation, voiced-over and captioned software simulations and slide presentations, and relevant academic articles. Some of the online LaModel material has also been organized into a set of progressive, self-paced training modules using a number of the slide presentations and software demonstrations, with the addition of pedagogically designed learning activities and proficiency quizzes. These training modules are designed such that a new user can complete the sequence of three learning tracks (novice, intermediate, and advanced) to become a proficient user of the LaModel program. This thesis reports on the development and implementation of the new LaModel user's manual and training course. Currently, the on-line material includes 84 pages of technical notes and 6 hours of slides and hands-on learning activities. In this thesis, the overall layout and format of the user's manual, training modules, and proficiency quizzes are presented along with samples from specific manual sections and classroom lessons. With an increase in operational difficulties, geologic intricacies, and regulatory review, this generation of mining engineers require complex analyzes to determine the integrity of underground mine works. Through access to the new online user's manual and training modules, novice LaModel users can be effectively trained on the correct operation and analysis techniques for using the LaModel program, while experienced users can quickly access detailed information on the newer and/or more complex LaModel functions. The development of both the user's manual and online training course will ultimately increase the effectiveness of mining engineers within the industry, leading to more productive and safer mine designs.
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