Planetary system and star formation science with non-redundant masking on JWST

Non-redundant masking (NRM) is a high contrast high resolution technique that is relevant for future space missions dedicated to either general astrophysics or extrasolar planetary astronomy. NRM mitigates not only atmospheric but instrument-induced speckle noise as well. The recently added mask in the Fine Guidance Sensor Tunable Filter Imager (FGS-TFI) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will open up a search space between 50 and 400 mas at wavelengths longer than 3.8μm. Contrast of 104 will be achievable in a 10 ks exposure of an M = 7 star, with routine observing, target acquisition, and data calibration methods. NRM places protoplanets in Taurus as well as Jovians younger than 300Myr and more massive than 2MJ orbiting solar type stars within JWST's reach. Stars as bright as M = 3 will also be observable, thus meshing well with next-generation ground-based extreme adaptive optics coronagraphs. This parameter space is inaccessible to both JWST coronagraphs and future 30-m class ground-based telescopes, especially in the mid-IR. We show that NRM used on future space telescopes can deliver unsurpassed image contrast in key niches, while reducing mission risk associated with active primary mirrors.

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