Tips From The Trenches: Preparation And Implementation Of An Experience Based Ta Training Session

Suitable training of teaching assistants (TAs) is paramount to the success of any department in every university. TAs who are well trained will be ready and able to handle the wide array of responsibilities assigned to them such as grading, holding office hours, supervising labs and even delivering lectures. The challenge to the university is how to best prepare the TAs for these tasks. This paper describes an informal, experiential TA training seminar that provides new TAs with instruction from a knowledgeable faculty member paired with an experienced TA. The first part of the paper discusses how the session is designed to equip TA’s with skills and confidence in teaching, working with students in office hours, grading and dealing with a variety of other challenges they are likely to face. The second part outlines how to make the training session active, informal and effective. Pairing a faculty member with a TA is a critical component of the workshop design. Participant evaluations and informal feedback suggest that new TAs are more inclined to ask questions of someone close to their developmental level and at the same time, they appreciate the faculty member’s experience and depth of knowledge.