An investigation of the impact of cross‐cultural communication on the management of construction projects in Samoa

Communication problems have emerged as one of the most significant contemporary challenges facing construction project managers in an increasingly international construction market. However, little research has investigated the impact of cross‐cultural communication (CCC) on management systems in this context. The key problems of CCC and their impact for construction project management systems in Samoa are investigated via a questionnaire survey of 41 project managers to solicit their views and experiences concerning the impact of human and cultural influences on project management and CCC evaluation processes in Samoa. Also provided are the results of a series of interviews with 32 practitioners and key stakeholders concerning the key barriers to effective communication, and suggested strategies and proactive measures for improving the CCC in Samoa. The findings highlight the need for cultural sensitivity when designing an inter‐organizational communication strategy for the management of international projects. An organization also needs to have a global perspective if it is involved in the international construction market, and be willing to modify communication strategies that are appropriate within the context of host cultures. A strong link is established between changes in perspectives as a result of experiences and the impact of CCC on project management systems.

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