Academic Mobility as “Brain Drain” Phenomenon of Modern Higher Education

The further deepening of the mobility processes of students, teachers, scientists, administrators of educational institutions in order to fill the European integration of Ukraine with real content is in demand in Ukrainian society. The development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is inconceivable without the Ukrainian experience that our society and education can provide. The actualization of the processes of academic mobility is a fair answer to the challenges of the global economy, which develops on a planetary scale, and the internationalization of education acquires a powerful scale, forming a multicultural educational environment. The processes of globalization are reflected in the system of higher education through reforms aimed at the development of the global educational area, clusters of which are the European Higher Education Area and similar areas for higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Southeast Asian Higher Education Area, etc. The academic mobility in the context of the development of STUDIA WARMIŃSKIE 54 (2017) ISSN 0137-6624