Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: Report on DSOM'99

DSOM’99, the Tenth IFIP/ IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management followed a series of annual meetings, the latest of which took place in Delaware, (DSOM’98) [1], Sydney, Australia (DSOM’97) [2], and L’Aquila, Italy (DSOM’96) [3]. DSOM is a single-track workshop of the management research community. The workshop traditionally stresses interaction and encourages active participation. DSOM’99 was hosted by the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zürich from October 11–13 in Zürich, Switzerland. Ninety participants attended the event. DSOM’99 was supported by Ascom, BT, IBM, GTE, Lucent, and Swisscom. For technical paper sessions, 55 submissions had been received, out of which 20 were selected for presentation and are published in the workshop proceedings [4]. Ten papers in the program came from Europe, eight papers from the Americas, and two papers from Asia. About half of the contributions originated from industry labs, the other half from academia. The program was structured into seven paper sessions, with a panel at the end of each day. A keynote speech opened up the program.