Business Engineering Navigator - A "Business to IT" Approach to Enterprise Architecture Management

Business Engineering Navigator is an overview of how Enterprise Architecture and its management can provide value to a variety of stakeholders. The author's are leading the research with the intent of ensure structured engineering for ‘business-to-IT', integration management, IT/Business Alignment, and more. The concept is not necessarily new but Aier et al introduce a heuristic to accomplish this as well as have some tools in development based on their work. The precise tool is not being sold to the reader, rather the idea and heuristic approach is the target of our interest.In Coherency Management, there is recognition that the Architecture for the enterprise is being created and maintained by many people not necessarily associated with IT, IM or the word ‘Architecture'. BEN reaffirms that EA must help others by using structured approaches towards their work. In the editors' opinion there is a capability being developed which has the potential to be widespread throughout the business. Structured (engineering based) approaches to managing the Enterprise Architecture and recognition that architecture is widespread leads us to the idea that the EA Tool and EA Processes will also be widespread. As an enterprise gradually has more and more processes that align to EA in this fashion the more it will enable it self to become coherent.