Implementation of Functional Languages: 10th International Workshop, IFL'98, London, UK, September 9-11, 1998, Selected Papers

Performance Results for an Implementation of the Process Coordination Language K2.- An Interactive Approach to Profiling Parallel Functional Programs.- Shared Memory Multiprocessor Support for SAC.- Towards an Operational Semantics for a Parallel Non-strict Functional Language.- Concurrent Monadic Interfacing.- A Strategic Profiler for Glasgow Parallel Haskell.- Implementing Eden - or: Dreams Become Reality.- Efficient Combinator Parsers.- On the Unification of Substitutions in Type Inference.- Higher Order Demand Propagation.- Dynamic Types and Type Dependent Functions.- Putting the Spine Back in the Spineless Tagless G-Machine: An Implementation of Resumable Black-Holes.- Towards a Haskell/Java Connection.- A Case Study: Effects of With-Loop-Folding on the NAS Benchmark MG in Sac.- Explicit Message Passing for Concurrent Clean.