A product modeling system for top-down design of machine assembly with kinematic motion

Abstract The objective of this research is to develop a product modeling system to support mechanism design from the beginning of the design. The system must cope with two aspects of the design process which are top-down design and preliminary design. The current capabilities of existing CAD and CAE systems are not sufficient to support these two aspects. In this research a modeling method with an abstract model and an incompletely defined model is proposed. The mechanism is presented by constraints and depault values because constraints are suitable for representing the abstract model for a mechanism and default values are useful to supplement an incompletely defined model. We also introduce module-based modeling with mechanism modules corresponding directly to the functionalities of the mechanism and show that it is suitable for top-down design. Incomplete constraints are solved with default values so that the shape and location of the incompletely defined model can be modified and the motion of the model can be simulated. Finally, we illustrate the mechanism modeling system with some examples.