Study of Water Detecting Sensor in Insulated Gas of GIS/GCB Elctrochemical Sensor Using Ttriethlenediaminesulfate as Electrolyte

Water Detecting Sensor using solid state protonic conductor has been developed for Gas Insulated Swicthgear. Ttriethlenediaminesulfate was selected as protonic conductor with which elcterochemical sensor was constructed. The water detecting characteristics and its reliabilities were examined. The sensor detected water concentration from several ppm to about 2000ppm (at 5ata) as an output electric current, and was able to detect sufficiently water of 50ppm (at 5ata) which was the targeted value of the sensor. The mechanical strength increased by adding a polymer in the electrolyte. We also examined the influence to an output characteristic by the polymer addition and reliability. We proposed that without heating process was preferable in constructing sensor.