Learning Analytics of Malaysian ESL Learners’ Engagement inOnline Writing Activities via Google Docs
Web 2.0 tools have been widely used by educators to enhance the learning experience of ESL learners. In this study, Google Docs is used as a tool to facilitate students’ writing activities, i.e. writing mini research, curriculum vitae and cover letter. The activities involved 46 students who enrolled in a compulsory English course at tertiary level. The students were asked to draft their writing assignment in Google Docs and share with the course lecturer. The history logs obtained through Google Docs were qualitatively analysed to observe the students’ engagement in the activities. After completing the activities in the Google Docs, the students were requested to complete a questionnaire comprising 4-point-Likert-scale questions and two structured questions. The results showed that the students felt comfortable for the lecturer to review their drafts online. Besides that, they also found that the feedback and editing from their lecturer was useful in improving their writing skill and they also agreed that the use of Google Docs is able to promote knowledge information. The analysis on the log files also reveals how students were more active in editing their work based on the feedbacks provided, which could not be easily done in class. The study concluded that the collaboration between lecturer and students is essential in determining the success of implementing activities via Google Docs.