Assessing the sensitivity of data-limited methods (DLMs) to the estimation of life-history parameters from length–frequency data

Data-limited methods (DLMs) in stock assessment may provide potential critical information for data-limited stock management. However, the sensitivity of those methods to life-history parameters is largely unknown, resulting in extra uncertainty and consequent risks. In the present study, we designed six parallel workflows (WFs) to incorporate classic and state-of-the-art methods of estimating life-history parame-ters and examined their influences on the assessment of small yellow croaker (Larim-ichthys polyactis) in Haizhou Bay, China. The sensitivity was evaluated with three objectives: 1) the evaluation of stock status with the Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) following different assumptions; 2) the length-based Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) derived from three Management Procedures (MPs); and 3) the management perfor-mance of these HCRs with simulation of Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE). The results showed considerable sensitivity regarding the three objectives to the esti-mations with different WFs,...

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