L'arbre et la nature (XVIIe-XXe siècles)
[fre] Abstract For centuries, human took an interest in the forest only as far it provided them with food, pasture for their cattle, firewood and timber. There, men could practise hunting and women gathering. Thus it was the indispensable means for its masters to attract and keep the labour force necessary for the estate economy - hence the idea of a Mother-Nature, fertile and inexhaustible. Men started « falling in love » with trees or, more precisely, the ruling classes did that knew how to exploit the Forestry Commission in their struggle. It seemed all the more legitimate to deport mountain farmers or to expel others as they were held responsible, because of their foolish clearings, for the series of floods starting at the beginning of the XlXth century. Then Nature took her revenge on men for their lapsus, their laxisme and their unsound economic policy. Nature turned into a whimsical woman, most often more cruel than bounteous. [eng] Abstract For centuries, human took an interest in the forest only as far it provided them with food, pasture for their cattle, firewood and timber. There, men could practise hunting and women gathering. Thus it was the indispensable means for its masters to attract and keep the labour force necessary for the estate economy - hence the idea of a Mother-Nature, fertile and inexhaustible. Men started « falling in love » with trees or, more precisely, the ruling classes did that knew how to exploit the Forestry Commission in their struggle. It seemed all the more legitimate to deport mountain farmers or to expel others as they were held responsible, because of their foolish clearings, for the series of floods starting at the beginning of the XlXth century. Then Nature took her revenge on men for their lapsus, their laxisme and their unsound economic policy. Nature turned into a whimsical woman, most often more cruel than bounteous.