Three-dimensional cooling pattern of a granitic pluton II : The study of deuteric sub-solidus reactions in the Toki granite , Central Japan

Petrographical studies examining the development and variations of sub-solidus reactions recorded in the Toki granite represent the three-dimensional cooling pattern of this zoned pluton in Central Japan. Samples collected from 19 boreholes in the Toki granite show characteristics indicative of spatial variations in the extent of the sub-solidus reactions. Exsolution coarsening has produced microperthite, including albite-rich lamellae, in this pluton, while deuteric coarsening has resulted in the formation of patchperthite, myrmekite, and the reaction rim. The extent of the deuteric coarsening reactions can be evaluated from the width and spacing of the albiterich patch in patchperthite and from the thickness of myrmekite and the reaction rim. The width, spacing, and thickness of these textural features increase systematically with elevation; they also increase gradually in the horizontal inward direction in the western part of the pluton but not in the eastern part of the pluton. The systematic variations in textural development indicate that the Toki granite cooled effectively from the roof and from the western margin during the deuteric coarsening stage. The deuteric coarsening may have occurred at temperatures below 500 °C, as indicated by ternary feldspar thermometry.