Determinants of Innovative Behaviour: A Firm's Internal Practices and its External Environment

Introduction C. van Beers, A.Kleinknecht, R. Ortt and R.Verburg PART I: INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Business Strategy, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Small Firms in the UK and US J. Michie and M. Sheehan Where People Provide the Impetus: HRM Practices, Employee Job Satisfaction and Innovation H. Shipton and D. Fay Skill Endowment and R&D Investment: Evidence from Microdata M. Piva and M. Vivarelli PART II: LINKING INTERNAL TO EXTERNAL ORGANIZATION Design the Organization for Innovation V. Chiesa and F. Frattini Exploring Knowledge Flows and Losses in the 'Open Innovation' Age P. Trott The Role of Knowledge Clusters in R&D Acquisition and Innovation Success T. Brodt and S. Knoll E-collaboration in the Automotive Supply Chain: Determinants and Impacts on Performance E. Lefebvre, L. A. Lefebvre, A. Amarouch, L. Cassivi and G. Le Hen Innovation and Labour Productivity in the Swiss Manufacturing Sector: An Analysis on Firms Panel Data S. Arvanitis Financial Constraints and R&D Investment: Evidence from CIS A. K.Tiwari, P. Mohnen, F. C. Palm, S. Schim van der Loeff PART III: EXTERNAL ORGANIZATION Technology Diffusion and Innovation: The Importance of Domrstic and Foreign Sources H. Loof Industry Specialization, Diversity and the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems M. Fritsch and V. Slavtchev