Risk Science and Sustainability Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of Society

Preface. Acknowledgements. Workshop Initiative, Programme and Organising Committees. Workshop Synopsis. Budapest Manifesto. Talks: The Globalisation of Risk in the XXIst Century J.-P. Connerade. Risk and Sustainability in Water Resources Management U. Shamir. Aids to Decision Making in Risk Management: Mobilisation of the Scientific Community to Improve Risk Management J.-P. Massue. Science and Risk: Scientific Authority at Risk G. Schmeder. Basic Science for Prediction and Reduction of Geological Disasters V. Keilis-Borok. Papers: Environmental Risk and Sustainability T. Beer. Science for Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development: The Role of Law J. Paterson. Sustainable Development and Risk Evaluation: Challenges and Possible New Methodologies A. Makarenko. On Predictability of Homicide Surges in Megacities V. Keilis-Borok, et al. Earthquakes and Megacities F. Wenzel, F. Bendimerad. Case Studies: Earth Sciences Contribution to the Sustainable Development of Ground Transportation Systems: Relevant Case Studies in Central Europe G. Panza, M. Kouteva. Modelling of Stress and Seismicity in the South-Eastern Carpathians: A Basis for Seismic Risk Estimation A. Ismail-Zadeh. Earthquake Loss Estimation for India Based on Macroeconomic Indicators P. Dunbar, et al. Monitors and Methods for Investigation of Submarine Landslides, Seawater Intrusion and Contaminated Groundwater Discharge as Coastal Hazards L. Lobkovsky, et al. Risk of Collective Youth Violence in French Suburbs: A Clinical Scale of Evaluation, an Alert System L. Bui Trong. Abstracts: Lessons from Macrophagic Myofasciitis: Towards Definition of a Vaccine Adjuvant-Related Syndrome R. Gherardi. Flood Risk Management in the Upper Tisza Basin in Hungary: A System Analytical Approach J. Linnerooth-Bayer, et al. Volcanoes and Cities G. Heiken. Geo-Risk Management Practices in the Asia Pacific Region A. Jayawardena. Values, Interests and Symbolic Politics in a Nuclear Waste Disposal Debate: About the Societal Dimensions of Risk Perception P. Tamas, A. Vari. Appendix: List of Contributors. List of Reviewers. Subject Index. GBP/LISTGBP