Our failing students: a study of a repeat group
The high failure and low retention rates of students in introductory programming courses are of growing concern.This study looks at a group of students who are repeating an introductory programing subject, exploring issues which may affect their learning and ultimate success. Comparisons are made with a group of new students undertaking the same subject.The students were surveyed in the middle and at the end of one semester. A profile of the students, focussing on their motivation for their course selection and commitment to this course, was established. Their opinions on the usefulness of their classes, various resources, tutorial work and assignment work were sought. The needs and concerns of these students, highlighted in the surveys, are discussed and suggestions are made for the establishment of a special learning environment for failing students.
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[4] Dorothy Deremer. Improving the learning environment in CS I: experiences with communication strategies , 1993, SGCS.