Trilateral Design and Test Code for Military Bridging and Gap-Crossing Equipment
Abstract : This Code covers loading, design, and testing requirements to be used for the development of military clear-span bridges, piers, floating bridges, rafts, equipment causeways, and erecting and launching structures that are part of the equipment. The Code is used to confirm that equipment will meet the performance specified by the user. The requirements of this Code are to be regarded as the minimum acceptable standards of performance. Requirements for fibrous composite materials and adhesives are included but may not be complete. Bridging and gap-crossing equipment will be designed to meet the user's requirement by applying the necessary loading conditions, design parameters, and testing given in this Code. The Code lists material properties required and gives basic properties for materials generally used. The Code also gives design data for guidance and checking, but the criteria are that the equipment pass the requisite tests, meet the user's requirement, and can be manufactured readily.