Menstrual Hypoglycemia and Functional Dysmenorrhea: Their Relationship.

We found also a body-build trend, with slender children averaging higher rates than broad ones. (This is true, age by age, and also regardless of age.) Among 167 slender-built children there were both high rates and low rates, but the slender-built group as a group actually averaged plus 12.8 per cent. The exact converse was true for ninety-four broadbuilt children, who actually averaged minus 15.2 per cent. At the recent meeting of the American Pediatric Society in Cleveland, Dr. Fritz Talbot reported a similar finding when studying different weight groups. His children from weights 22 to 29 kilos averaged plus 5 per cent; 29 to 55 kilos averaged 0; 55 kilos and up averaged minus 10 per cent. (Weight, of course, parallels body build, when height is held constant.) Among our slender-built children who should have had high basals were a number who did have low basals (and these kept the average rate for the slender-built from going as high as it would have gone otherwise). I sorted out this group of little slender fellows (who should have had high rates, but who deviated in the unexpected direction), to look for any other factor which they might share in common, and found that 82 per cent of them were allergic. A number of this group showed improvement in their allergic symptoms on small doses of thyroid.