Evaluation of nano-level 3D shape extraction system using RGB color interference fringes

Nano-level 3-D measurement is one of the key technologies for the current and future generation of production systems for semi-conductors, LCDs and nano-devices. To meet with these applications, wide range nano-level 3-D shape measurement method using combination of RGB lights has been developed. It measures the height of nano-objects using RGB lights interference color fringes. To analyze the RGB color fringes, the adaptive phase analysis method of interference fringes has been developed and achieved its efficiency. But it cannot measure the shape of edges. To meet with the difficulty, the color analysis method on xy-color plane has been introduced. The combination of the phase measurement method and the color analysis method has measured the 5 micrometer columns precisely. The evaluation shows that the method has the ability to measure the plane height at 10 nm level measuring deviation with 0,5 micrometer horizontal preciseness. For a practical application, the shape of needles for AFM has been extracted, successfully.