Quality-constrained routing in publish/subscribe systems

Routing in publish/subscribe (pub/sub) features a communication model where messages are not given explicit destination addresses, but destinations are determined by matching the subscription declared by subscribers. For a dynamic computing environment with applications that have quality demands, this is not sufficient. Routing decision should, in such environments, not only depend on the subscription predicate, but should also take the quality-constraints of applications and characteristics of network paths into account. We identified three abstraction levels of these quality constraints: functional, middleware and network. The main contribution of the paper is the concept of the integration of these constraints into the pub/sub routing. This is done by extending the syntax of pub/sub system and applying four generic, proposed by us, guidelines. The added values of quality-constrained routing concept are: message delivery satisfying quality demands of applications, improvement of system scalability and more optimise use of the network resources. We discuss the use case that shows the practical value of our concept.

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