Large-Scale Multi-Modal Data Exploration with Human in the Loop

A new trend in many scientific fields is to conduct data-intensive research by collecting and analyzing a large amount of high-density, high-quality, multi-modal data streams. In this chapter we present a research framework for analyzing and mining such data streams at large-scale; we exploit parallel sequential pattern mining and iterative MapReduce in particular to enable human-in-the-loop large-scale data exploration powered by High Performance Computing (HPC). One basic problem is that, data scientists are now working with datasets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using traditional desktop statistics and visualization packages, requiring instead “massively parallel software running on tens, hundreds, or even thousands of servers” (Jacobs, Queue 7(6):10:10–10:19, 2009). Meanwhile, discovering new knowledge requires the means to exploratively analyze datasets of this scale—allowing us to freely “wander” around the data, and make discoveries by combining bottom-up pattern discovery and top-down human knowledge to leverage the power of the human perceptual system. In this work, we first exploit a novel interactive temporal data mining method that allows us to discover reliable sequential patterns and precise timing information of multivariate time series. For our principal test case of detecting and extracting human sequential behavioral patterns over multiple multi-modal data streams, this suggests a quantitative and interactive data-driven way to ground social interactions in a manner that has never been achieved before. After establishing the fundamental analytics algorithms, we proceed to a research framework that can fulfill the task of extracting reliable patterns from large-scale time series using iterative MapReduce tasks. Our work exploits visual-based information technologies to allow scientists to interactively explore, visualize and make sense of their data. For example, the parallel mining algorithm running on HPC is accessible to users through asynchronous web service. In this way, scientists can compare the intermediate data to extract and propose new rounds of analysis for more scientifically meaningful and statistically reliable patterns, and therefore statistical computing and visualization can bootstrap each another. Finally, we show the results from our principal user application that can demonstrate our system’s capability of handling massive temporal event sets within just a few minutes. All these combine to reveal an effective and efficient way to support large-scale data exploration with human in the loop.

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