Quantifying change in individual subjects affected by frontotemporal lobar degeneration using automated longitudinal MRI volumetry

A novel method of automated MRI volumetry was used to study regional atrophy and disease progression in repeated MRI measurements of patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). Fifty‐nine structural MRI data sets of 17 clinically diagnosed FTLD patients were acquired over up to 30 months in intervals of 6 months and compared with data of 30 age‐matched healthy controls. Patients were further subgrouped into behavioral variant FTLD (bvFTLD), progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA), and semantic dementia (SemD). Gray matter (GM) volumes of frontal lobes (FL) and temporal lobes (TL) were determined by voxel‐based volumetry based on SPM5 algorithms and a probabilistic brain atlas. MRI volumetry revealed frontal and temporal GM atrophy across FTLD patients, with further progression over time. Significant side asymmetry of TL volumes was found in SemD. The ratio of TL to FL volumes was significantly reduced in SemD and increased in bvFTLD. Using this ratio, 6/7 SemD patients and 5/6 bvFTLD patients could be correctly differentiated. TL/FL ratios in bvFTLD and SemD further diverged significantly over a time span of only 6 months. Rates of temporal GM loss per 6 months were 3–4% in SemD, and 2.5% for frontal GM loss in bvFTLD, and thereby clearly exceeded published cerebral volume loss in healthy elderly subjects. The study presents a fully automated, observer‐independent volumetric assessment of regional atrophy which allows differentiation of FTLD subgroups. Its sensitivity for atrophy progression—even in such short intervals like 6 months—might benefit future clinical trials as treatment outcome measure. Hum Brain Mapp, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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