Analyzing Content Coverage and Emphasis: A Study of Three Curricula and Two Tests. Technical Report No. 26.

ABSTRACT Content related to reading comprehension, in three nationally used third grade reading curricula and two common standardized tests, was analyzed in order to discover congruencies and incongruencies in content coverage and emphases. Frequencies of exercises from the curriculum saterials and of items from the standardized tests were ca2culated for 16 subcategories of reading comprehension. Results indicated that the texts differed widely in their relative emphases on reading cosprehension and on particular reading comprehension subcategories. The teo standardized tests were quite similar in relative esphasis on reading comprehension, but their esphases were quite different from those of the texts. Only a stall percentage of the skills esphasized in the curricula had counterpazts cn the standardized tests, and those tended to reflect factual items entailing locating information in presented materials, whereas two of the three curricula gave heavier emphasis to inferential comprehension skills. (AA)