Newmark/Muscoy Conference Call Notes

� Dennis said almost all the sampling is completed th at was coordinated with the city. � In regard to the warranty issue and all the details , Kim will clarify with Marie and advise what the procedure should be. Adam said the issue t hat is driving all this is the lack of communication between the RTU panel at the GAC vessels, and the RTU at the 19 th Street pump room. � Kim will be putting a new work assignment in place for Newmark and Muscoy, O&M oversight. Kim is asking Dennis to advise her about what task or what needs to be included. In the meantime, Kim will put together a statement of work on this new task. � Kim sent the health and safety plan to Dennis. Construction � Adam will coordinate with Dave to schedule to change read-out from percent to PSI to be consistent with the D/Ps across the vessels. � ATSI has communicated to Adam that both processors have to be replaced at ~$1000 each. � Kim stated to the city that she will review the ter ms in the consent decree regarding repairs required that are not covered by warranty, but she believes that one year of O&M was included in the city’s budget.