Limnology now : a paradigm of planetary problems

The place of epicontinental waters in global ecology, R. Margalef phytoplankton - which, and how much?, J. Capblancq and J. Catalan prokaryotology for the limnologist, C. Pedros-Alio and R. Guerrero macrophytes, taking control of an ancestral home, C.M. Duarte et al interannual variability in limnic ecosystems - origin, patterns, and predictability, J. Catalan and E.J. Fee transport processes in lakes - a review, J. Imberger the structure and dynamics of lotic ecosystems, J.V. Ward the tamed river, N. Prat and J.V. Ward seasonal rhythm and secular changes in Spanish reservoirs, J. Armengol et al chemical composition of lakes in crystalline basins - a combination of atmospheric deposition, geological background, biological activity and human action, R. Psenner and J. Catalan the high north - present and perspectives, D. Planas tropical South America - present and perspectives, J.G. Tundisi austral rivers of South America, A.A. Bonetto parched continents - our common future?, F.A. Comin and W.D. Williams not politics, but ecology, J.R. Vallentyne what is limnology?, W.T. Edmondson.