Drugs and glaucoma.

IT is indeed a distinct privilege to take part in a symposium honoring Drs Paul Chandler and Peter Kronfeld. Their professional careers, spanning the last 50 years, not only dealt extensively with the diagnosis and treatment of the glaucomas, but reflected the broad interests that so often characterize the inquiring mind and superior intellect. Dr Chandler is as well known for his considerations on the treatment of congenital cataract in infancy and childhood as for his insights into the medical and surgical management of malignant glaucoma. Reflecting the complete clinician, the subject of his Jackson Lecture in 1951 was "Practical Considerations Concerning Choice of Operation in Convergent Squint." Dr Kronfeld's early professional career, beginning in the mid 1920s, first reflected his primary interest in physiology with basic studies on the aqueous humor, the lens, physiologic optics, and the retina. These interests continued throughout his career while