Abstract We define the concept of unique exchange on a sequence (X1,…, Xm) of bases of a matroid M as an exchange of x ϵ Xi for y ϵ Xj such that y is the unique element of Xj which may be exchanged for x so that (Xi − {x}) ∪ {y} and (Xj − {y}) ∪ {x} are both bases. Two sequences X and Y are compatible if they are on the same multiset. Let UE(1) [UE(2)] denote the class of matroids such that every pair of compatible basis sequences X and Y are related by a sequence of unique exchanges [unique exchanges and permutations in the order of the bases]. We similarly define UE(3) by allowing unique subset exchanges. Then UE(1), UE(2), and UE(3) are hereditary classes (closed under minors) and are self-dual (closed under orthogonality). UE(1) equals the class of series-parallel networks, and UE(2) and UE(3) are contained in the class of binary matroids. We conjecture that UE(2) contains the class of unimodular matroids, and prove a related partial result for graphic matroids. We also study related classes of matroids satisfying transitive exchange, in order to gain information about excluded minors of UE(2) and UE(3). A number of unsolved problems are mentioned.
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The bracket ring of a combinatorial geometry. I