Analyis of a Potential Single and Combined Business Model for Stationary Battery Storage Systems

Abstract With regard to a successive penetration of renewable energies and the implied need for system flexibility, stationary battery storage systems (BSS) are seen as hybrids, which can manoeuvre either on the demand or on the supply side, due to the bidirectional transformation process. In the scientific debate, the revenue side for BSS are often just titled and partially mapped for individual markets, which frequently leads to the conclusion that the investment in BSS does not pay off. Therefore, the core concept of the paper is the strategy to combine applications and their values, in order to extend the financial attractiveness. To specify and exemplify monetary value propositions (applications) and value networks (benefits) as well as the combination theory, a single and combined revenue model is examined: energy trading via day-ahead market (arbitrage) and energy trading in combination with frequency support via secondary control. The results show, that depending on the technology, the combined revenue model reduces the load factor and thus theoretically expands the BSS lifespan. Moreover, with modified market rules and individual bidder strategies there is a potential to generate higher proceeds with the combined revenue model.