The ESA/MBB unfurlable mesh antenna development for mobile services

Abstract Mobile services via satellite in the 800–900 MHz frequency range have recently been studied by SPAR Aerospace Ltd in the M-SAT phase B using various unfurlable offset reflector concepts between 9 and 5 m aperture diameters for 6-, 4- and 2-beam coverage. For a 2-beam coverage of Canada and U.S.A. two offset antennas each of 5 m aperture diameter are required. The MBB offset unfurlable mesh antenna (UMA) developed since 1983 under an ESA contract is one of the attractive candidates: The design concept chosen uses foldable radial ribs of carbon fibre which deploy a gold plated molybdenum mesh on adjustable stand-offs. This concept is applicable for offset aperture diameters up to 12 m since the carbon fibre ribs are double folded and provide for a high package density when stowed at the spacecraft during launch. The electrical analysis performed by TICRA/Copenhagen was assisted by electrical measurements on mesh samples, verifying that main charactertics as ohmic resistance, transmission loss and passive intermodulation products (PIMP) lie within the required tolerances if the mesh is pretensioned to a certain configuration. For on-orbit testing and retrieval by the Shuttle the reflector shows a unique design feature of retractability by the reversable deployment sequence.