Grassland beef production: a seminar in the CEC programme of coordination of research on beef production, held at the Centre for European Agricultural Studies, Wye College (University of London), Ashford, Kent, UK, July 25-27, 1983

Introductory papers.- Agricultural Research Co-Ordination in the European Community.- Technical and Economic Background to Beef Production in Britain.- French Beef Production Systems from Grassland.- Beef suckler systems.- Summer Grazing and Winter Feeding Studies with Suckler Cows.- Some Effects of Changes in Liveweight in the Autumn Calving Suckler Herd.- The Performance of Beef Cows and their Calves at Pasture.- Dairy beef systems.- Grasp - A Grassland Planning Programme for the HP41C Programmable Calculator.- The Grassland Requirements of Different Breeds in Beef Production Systems.- Effect of Grazing Method, Nitrogen Level, Supplementary Feeding and Stocking Rate on Performance of Young Grazing Bulls.- All Grass Beef.- Performance of Bulls and Steers under Similar Feeding and Management Conditions.- Storage Feeding of Beef Bulls.- Beef cattle improvement.- A Comparison of Progeny Testing of Friesian Bulls Indoors and on Pasture.- Some Considerations on Performance Testing on Pasture for European Beef Breeds.- Experimental methods.- Measurement of Grazing Behaviour and Herbage Intake on Two Different Grazing Management Systems of Beef Production.- Concentrate Supplementation of Grazing Cattle.- A Technique for Measurement of Grazing Behaviour.- The Effect of Stocking Rate and Size of Animal on Herbage Intake and Animal Performance.- Posters and short papers.- Heifer Performance on High Pastures and Digestibility of Pasture Grass.- Preventive Measures to Control Intestinal Parasites in Grazing Young Stock.- Continuous and Rotational Grazing for Beef Production.- Monensin-Sodium and Lasalocid-Sodium as Growth Promoters for Grazing Young Beef Bulls.- Conclusions.- Summary of the Final Discussion.- List of participants.