Interpretation of CT studies: single-screen workstation versus film alternator.

A prototype single-screen workstation with a 2,048 x 2,560-pixel high-brightness monitor, 0.11-second image display time, and simple ergonomic design was compared to a conventional horizontal film alternator in diagnostic interpretation of chest computed tomography (CT) studies. Four radiologists used either the workstation or film alternator in interpretation of studies obtained in 10 patients. A counterbalanced within-subject repeated measures experimental design was used. Response times were analyzed for both methods of interpretation. Grades of excellent, acceptable, and unacceptable were assigned by a blinded "grader" to reports of the radiologists. The average time needed for an interpretation at the workstation was 5.65 minutes. No interpretations were graded unacceptable. Retrospective power analysis showed that 16 observers rather than four would have been required to show that use of the workstation was faster than the alternator. With this 95% confidence interval, the workstation interpretation time is clinically equivalent to that with the alternator. These data show that this type of workstation has practical application in interpretation of CT, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound studies.