Measuring the Formaldehyde Content from Different Types of Oriented Strand Board Manufactured with Different Thicknesses and Glued with Different Resins

This study measures the formaldehyde content (FC) of different types of oriented strand board (OSB) panels. Panels with different thicknesses were produced on the OSB production line of a prominent manufacturer of board composite materials in the Czech Republic. The resins used were polyurethane (PU1, PU2) and melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF). The corrected FC from 3-layer OSB/3 panels (MUF/surface, PU2/core) ranged from 5.95 ± 0.42 to 7.24 ± 0.67 mg formaldehyde/100 g of dry board. The corrected FC of the 3-layer OSB panels bonded with PU2 resin ranged between 0.48±0.04 and 0.57±0.11 mg formaldehyde/100 g dry board. Additionally, the corrected FC of 3-layer OSB/3 panels bonded with PU1 resin ranged from 0.09±0.22 to 0.46±0.40 mg formaldehyde/100 g dry board. Furthermore, the corrected FC of 3-layer OSB/4 panels bonded with PU1 resin ranged from 0.178±0.309 to 0.473±0.027 mg formaldehyde/100 g dry board. These results showed that the FC was limited to the natural content of formaldehyde in solid wood, where the values are extremely low, and which resulted in the production of green product. Additionally, the FC of OSB panels bonded with PU1 was lower than that of panels glued with PU2.

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