Progress on Xe-DPP source development for alpha phase

EUVL source development at XTREME technologies benefits from the learning gained in previous developments for EUV Micro Exposure and Alpha Tools. Field data available from operation of these tools represent the basis for continuous improvement in core technology areas such as plasma generation and forming, component reliability, debris mitigation and optical performance. Results from integration and first operation of alpha tool sources are presented in the areas power performance, component lifetime and debris mitigation efficiency. The analysis results and simulation work of the realized EUV source concept are discussed and innovative concepts for component and module improvements are introduced. In term of intermediate focus power, 4W has been achieved. Moreover the factor of 1.6 higher IF power to previous results has been implied to demonstrate capability for the achievement of more than 5W. For the Beta-tool and HVM source generations a joint development work between XTREME technologies and Philips EUV is introduced. The related work is content of another presentation of this conference.