포장궤도 구조결정을 위한 현장상태 조사
Recently, the development of paved track is required as a Low-maintenance of conventional line. The most important factor of paved track is stability and applicability. In this method, the ballast is grouted with mortar so that the ballast can tum into a structure like slab. This method can be subdivided into the followings. One is the method with switching the ballast, and the other is without switching the ballast. The ordinary and actual states of the ballast and roadbed were investigated to evaluate the applicability of the paved track structure in this study, and various In-situ tests were applied. Non-destructive tests such as GPR, SASW, FWD were used, and bearing capacity of roadbed, depth of the ballast, and deterioration, penetration, and contamination of the ballast were focused. The result of this investigation was utilized in the selection of optimal paved track structure and data for preliminary design.