Black Hole Detection Approach For Routing Protocol AODV And Prevention Using AOMDV

A B S T R A C T This paper presents a review of black hole detection approach in MANET using AODV and its prevention using AOMDV. A Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a dynamic network that can be used without the need of any infrastructure, in this each node can act as router. Security is very big issue in these networks. Various types of attacks are present such as Blackhole attack and Wormhole attack. Among these attack Blackhole attack is of major issue.Wireless ad hoc networks are unprotected to these types of attacks. A variety of routing protocols have been proposed and most of them have been implemented as well using AODV. In this we study to analyse the Black hole attack using AOMDV and compare their parameters one by one with output of AODV.