Gel formation by fibrin oligomers without addition of monomers

Soluble fibrin oligomers were formed by reacting fibrinogen with thrombin under fine clotting conditions where the action of thrombin is the rate‐determining step for polymerization, and by inhibiting the reaction shortly before gelation. Oligomeric fibrin was separated from unreacted fibrinogen and small oligomers by gel permeation chromatography. Electron microscopy revealed that the largest soluble fibrin oligomers resemble the protofibrils present in fine clots, but are somewhat shorter and entirely lack the twisted, trifunctional junctions that contribute to the elastic properties of fine clots. When thrombin was added to the soluble fibrin oligomers, polymerization resumed and clots were formed at a more rapid rate than from fibrinogen at the same concentration and resulted in a less‐opaque clot under coarse clotting conditions. The results confirm a prediction of a theory for the polymerization of fibrin and provide additional evidence that the final state of a coarse fibrin clot depends on the mobility of protofibrils during its formation.

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