On the composition of elementary errors: Second paper: Statistical applications
Analysis of statistical distributions. 1. Let m and σ denote the mean and the standard deviation of a statistical variable X, and let W(x) be the probability function of that variable as defined in the first paper 1 , Art. 1. If we put (cf. I, formula (3)) F(x) is the probability function of the variable , with the mean value 0 and the standard deviation 1. Denoting by µ2, µ3, ... the moments of W(x) , taken about the mean (cf. I, Art. 7, where m is supposed to be zero), we put, following Charlier,
[1] Mises. C. V. L. Charlier, Vorlesungen über die Grundzüge der Mathematischen Statistik. Verlag Ientia Lund. Hamburg 1920. 125 S , 1922 .
[2] Über die Begriffe Schiefheit und Exzess in der mathematischen Statistik , 1925 .
[3] A. Walther. Zum Lindebergschen Exzess in der mathematischen Statistik , 1927 .
[4] E. J. Gumbel. Prof. Dr. A. A. TSCHUPROW, Grundbegriffe und Grundprobleme der Korrelationstheorie. Verlag von B. G. Teubner, Leipzig und Berlin 1925. VI + 153 S. Preis geh. 6,40 M, geb. 8 M. , 1927 .