A first-order analysis of the impact of technology scaling on the performance parameters of linear CMOS analog circuits is presented. Scaling of single gain stage and two-stage operational amplifier small-signal performance parameters is examined under the constant field (CE), quasi-constant voltage (QCV), and constant voltage (CV) scaling rules; in addition to classical full scaling, other practical analog scaling options such as constant device size (W and L), constant total dc bias current, and constant power dissipation are also considered. A computeraided design tool that accurately and rapidly resizes linear analog standard cells in short-channel CMOS processes using SPICEquality device models and constrained optimization techniques is described. The CAD tool is applied to redesign a two-stage opamp in 5 pm, 3 pm and 2 pm p-well CMOS technologies for both minimum power dissipation and minimum die area objectives using modified constant voltage (Vdd = 5 v) scaling rules. About 10 seconds of computer time on a DEC 3100 are required per optimized redesign.
L. Richard Carley,et al.
Automating analog circuit design using constrained optimization techniques
1991 IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design Digest of Technical Papers.
P. Gill,et al.
Fortran package for nonlinear programming. User's Guide for NPSOL (Version 4. 0)
Stephen Wong,et al.
Impact of Scaling on MOS Analog Performance
K. Steinhubl.
Design of Ion-Implanted MOSFET'S with Very Small Physical Dimensions
P. Chatterjee,et al.
The impact of scaling laws on the choice of n-channel or p-channel for MOS VLSI
IEEE Electron Device Letters.
Georges Gielen,et al.
ISAAC: a symbolic simulator for analog integrated circuits
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits.