Comments, with reply, on "A new control philosophy for power electronic converters as fictitious power compensators" by J.H.R. Enslin and J.D. Van Wyk

In the above titled paper (see ibid., vol.5, no.1 p.88-97, Jan. 1990) the authors develop concepts they suggested in an earlier paper (see IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol.IM-37, no.3, p.403-8, Sept. 1988). In these two papers, they draw conclusions regarding definitions of power quantities for systems with nonsinusoidal waveforms. They also show how the quantities suggested can be measured and compensated. The commenter points out that although the authors correct errors pointed out by himself and by P.S. Filipski in comments on the earlier paper, they repeat certain misconceptions in their definitions and add new ones. The commenter identifies these misconceptions. The authors refute the points raised by the commenters. >