Hyper-X Program Status

Charles R. McClinton and David E. ReubushNational Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Hampton, VirginiaJoel Sitz and Paul ReukaufNational Aeronautics and Space Administration, Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CaliforniaABSTRACTThis paper provides an overview of the objectives and status of the Hyper-X program, which is tailored to move hyper-sonic, airbreathing vehicle technology from the laboratory environment to the flight environment. The first Hyper-Xresearch vehicle (HXRV), designated X-43, is being prepared at the Dryden Flight Research Center for flight at Mach 7.Extensive risk reduction activities for the first flight are completed, and non-recurring design activities for the Mach 10 X-43 (3rd flight) are nearing completion. The Mach 7 flight of the X-43, in the spring of 2001, will be the first flight of anairframe-integrated scramjet-powered vehicle. The Hyper-X program is continuing to plan follow-on activities to focus anorderly continuation of hypersonic technology development through flight research.ACRONYMS INTRODUCTIONAETBARRMDASTPCDRCFDDFRCDFXDOFHSM8' HT/"HXEMHXFEHXLVHXRVHYPULSEHyTechLaRCNASANASPMSFCRBCCTBCCX-43X-43BAlumina-enhanced thermal barrier tilesAffordable Rapid Response MissileDemonstrator (DARPA Program)NASA's Advanced Space TransportationProgramCritical design reviewComputational fluid dynamicsNASA Dryden Flight Research CenterDual-fuel experimental engine (full-scale,partial-width/length engine)Degree-of-FreedomHYPULSE scramjet model (full-scale, par-tial-width/length engine)LaRC 8' high temperature wind tunnelHyper-X engine model (full-scale, partial-width/length engine)Hyper-X flight engine (full-scale, dedicatedto ground testing)Hyper-X launch vehicleHyper-X research vehicle (X-43)LaRC HYpersonic PULSE FacilityUSAF Hypersonic TechnologyNASA Langley Research CenterNational Aeronautics and SpaceAdministrationNational Aero-Space PlaneMarshall Space Flight CenterRocket-Based Combined CycleTurbine-Based Combination CycleHyper-X research vehicleHyper-X-related (proposed) follow-on vehiclesNASA initiated the joint LaRC and DFRC Hyper-XProgram in 1996 to advance hypersonic airbreathingpropulsion and related technologies from the laboratory tothe flight environment'. _.The program goal is to verify anddemonstrate experimental techniques, computational meth-ods and analytical design tools required for the develop-ment of hypersonic, hydrogen-fueled, scramjet-poweredaircraft. Accomplishing this goal requires flight data from ascramjet-powered vehicle. Because of the highly integratednature of scramjet-powered vehicles, the complete vehiclemust be developed and tested, as propulsion verificationcannot be separated from other hypersonic technologies.This technology is required for any efficient hypersoniccruise vehicle, and has the potential to significantly reducethe cost and increase safety, reliability, and mission flexi-bility of future single- or two-stage-to-orbit access-to-space systems. In other words, this technology is directlyapplicable to NASA's need for "revolutionary improve-ments for safety, cost and aircraft-like operations of thenext generation of space vehicles" and the USAF need of"controlling and exploiting the full aerospace continuum."The X-43 vehicle (figure 1) is small to minimize develop-ment cost and the cost of boosting it to the test condition. Inaddition, to reduce design time and cost, the vehicle configu-ration was based on an existing Mach 10 cruise, global-reachmission configuration, 3 and the extensive NASP database.Figure 2 depicts key mission events for the X-43 flight. Thefirst view shows the 12-foot long X-43 mounted on thePegasus-based Hyper-X launch vehicle (HXLV), which iscarried to the launch point by the DFRC B-52. The X-43Copyright © 2001 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the UnitedStates under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyrightclaimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner.IAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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