FAUNISTIC RECORDS FROM THE CZECH REPUBLIC - 253 Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae

Chaetocnema procerula (Rosenhauer, 1856). Bohemia centr., Doksy env., BřehyněPecopala National Nature Reserve (5454a), north shore of the Břehyně pond, peaty wetland, 11.viii.2007, 2 ♀♀, swept from vegetation, S. Benedikt lgt., M. Ouda det. et coll., P. Cižek revid. This species lives in wet places and is oligophagous on Carex spp., e.g. on Carex paniculata (Cižek 2006) and Carex divisa (Warchalowski 1998). A Submediterranean species, distributed in parts of central Europe, southern Europe, Ukraine, and Asia Minor (Warchalowski 2003). Strejcek (1993) listed it from the former Czechoslovakia; Cižek (2006) confirmed it only from Slovakia. A new species for the Czech Republic.