Family Centered Treatment®--an alternative to residential placements for adjudicated youth: outcomes and cost-effectiveness

Nearly 100,000 adjudicated youth in the United States are placed in residential facilities (or out of home) annually, at an estimated national cost approaching $6 billion. This study compares behavioral and cost outcomes for adjudicated youth in the state of Maryland who were placed out of home with those who were diverted into the Family Centered Treatment® (FCT) program, which allowed them to remain in their homes and communities. Data were provided by the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) and FamiliFirst, Inc. Outcomes analyzed include recidivism rates, post-treatment placement rates, and program costs. RESULTS show that FCT provides significant, positive behavioral results based on a 2-year follow-up and reduces post-treatment placements. In addition, a cost analysis demonstrates that the FCT model is a cost-effective alternative to residential placement. Keywords: juvenile justice, detention alternatives; court diversion alternatives; diversion programs; juvenile diversion; evidence-based programs Language: en